Changes to our Processes

Patient Survey – Feedback

We recently carried out a Patient Survey within the Practice and we would like to thank those that participated. Overall Patients have indicated that they are happy with the Practice and we are thankful for all the great comments that we received. As part of the survey we also asked for Patients to make comments on the Practice in general and we received some excellent feedback.

We have taken your comments on board and are introducing some changes outlined below. Our entire team have been involved in the development of the New Procedures and we ask that you support us in the roll out of these. We thank you all in advance for your co-operation.

Changes to our Processes

Automated Kiosk – Self Check In

We will no longer check Patients in at the front desk and ask that you use the Automated Kiosk. Staff will prompt you to use the Kiosk and ask for your cooperation. If there is an issue with you checking in at the Kiosk please join the queue on that occasion and a member of staff will be happy to assist.

By reducing the number of Patients waiting at the front desk to check in we can deal with Patients booking appointments and collecting scripts in a timelier manner.

The Kiosk is located in the main Reception Waiting Area

Using the Kiosk – Enter your Date of Birth – Day/Month/Year and first initial of your surname

Obtaining Test Results

You can now obtain your test results by phoning the main Reception number on 028 9064 7158 during the following times:

  • 10am – 12pm      


  • 2pm – 3.30pm
  • 4pm – 6pm

Please note that if you call outside of these times you will be asked to call back

**From June 1st 2018 the dedicated Results line number from 12pm-1pm will no longer be in operation ** 

Requesting and Collecting Prescriptions

Repeat Prescription Requests

***With effect from 1st June 2018, for quality and safety purposes Reception staff will not be permitted to accept requests for Repeat Medication over the main telephone line. ***

Please ensure that you know the name and the dosage of the medication when ordering. Any discrepancy may mean a delay in issuing your Prescription.

Repeat Prescriptions can be ordered in one of the following ways:

  1. Online via Patient Access (Practice preferred method – please speak to a receptionist to register for online services or if you do not remember your login details).
  2. Telephone via our dedicated Repeat Line Messaging Service- please telephone 028 9064 7000 8.00am – 9.00pm Monday – Thursday, 8.00am – 6.00pm Friday.
  3. Post Boxlocated in the Front Porch. Use the right-hand side of your previous prescription – tick the items that you require (if your prescription goes to a pharmacy please ask them for this when picking up your script). Please leave in the Medication Post Box located in the Front Porch or alternatively post into surgery. If you wish for your script to be posted to you please send in a Stamped Addressed Envelope. The Post Box will not be available at weekends.

Collecting your Prescription

We will no longer confirm if Prescriptions are ready by Telephone – our Receptionists are not permitted to give this information out over the phone.

Please allow two working days after 4.30pm before presenting at the Front Desk to collect your Prescription. (For online requests, please take into consideration that these will take longer to process over a weekend, therefore please allow one full working day for online requests).

If you cannot collect your prescription, a representative, who is over 16 may collect it for you.

If you want your pharmacist to collect your prescription, you must confirm this with one of the receptionists. Remember that pharmacists cannot supply medicines without a prescription, so when ordering, please leave enough time for the pharmacist to collect your prescriptions and dispense your medicines.

Prescriptions from Doctor Telephone Calls

Prescriptions that are issued after speaking to a Doctor via a Telephone Call will be ready for collection after 4.30pm that day.



Please note that from 01/11/2016 the area the practice covers extends to a four mile radius not extending beyond the M1 corridor. A more detailed map is available at reception.

Background to the Policy

In agreement with the Business Services Organisation (BSO), the Surgery changed its Practice Boundary on 1st November 2016. This was to ensure that Patients remain within an area that is accessible to a Doctor should a home visit be required. When we changed our Practice Boundary we made the decision that anyone living outside the boundary at the time of the change would be permitted to stay with the Practice. However, if a Patient was to subsequently move house and live outside of the Practice Boundary they would be removed from the Practice List.

The Practice must ensure fairness for all Patients and cannot make exceptions to this Policy.

We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.